Bilue - Brand, Website, SEO & Comms

We delivered a brand refresh, improved website, SEO & internal comms strategy to position Bilue as a leader in mobile development.

Brand Refresh

Bilue already had the building blocks of a great brand, a unique memorable name, an elegant logo and solid brand colours, what Bilue lacked was consistency across content, a clear message and a story for clients to buy into.

We positioned Bilue as your captain through the big blue ocean that is mobile development crafting a persona that builds trust and safety as you sail through the unknown waters of your first app.

To convey this message we established nautical icons and a library of  suitable content along with easy to follow brand guidlines

Website Redesign

We migrated Bilue from an old, slow & complex WordPress site to a modern, elegant and versatile Webflow website.

Our aim was to create something elegant, lightweight to build confidence in enterprise/corporate clients whilst being easy to understand and convey our big blue ocean persona for startups and smaller clients.


Through regular, efficient targeted blog content, website optimisation, backlinks and continued optimisation, we secured Bilue ranking on the first page for competitive keywords like "mobile app development".

This skyrocketed Bilue's organic traffic from 300 visitors per month to 4,500+

Case Study Creation

Bilue needed to demonstrate their track record and professionalism to secure corporate and enterprise clients,
We reached out and interviewed their past enterprise clients to build out case studies and reports clearly demonstrating their professionalism, reliability and performance.

Want To Find Out More

Read Our Case Study With Bilue