Transforming Bilue: Case Study on Brand Refresh, Website Redesign, SEO, and Communication Strategy

We partnered with Bilue, a leading mobile development company, to enhance their brand identity, improve their website, optimize SEO, and revamp internal communication strategies. Our goal was to position Bilue as a leader in mobile development and build a cohesive, engaging brand persona that resonates with clients from startups to large enterprises.

Brand Refresh

Bilue already had the building blocks of a great brand, including a unique and memorable name, an elegant logo, and solid brand colors. However, they lacked consistency across content, a clear message, and a compelling story for clients to buy into.

We positioned Bilue as the captain guiding clients through the expansive and often unpredictable ocean of mobile development. By crafting a persona that builds trust and safety, we reassured clients as they embarked on the journey of creating their first app. To convey this message, we established nautical icons and developed a library of suitable content, accompanied by easy-to-follow brand guidelines. This consistent brand identity helped build a stronger connection with clients and reinforced Bilue's reliability and expertise.

Website Redesign

Bilue’s outdated WordPress site needed an overhaul. We migrated Bilue to a sleek, modern, and versatile Webflow website. Our aim was to create an elegant and lightweight site that would instill confidence in enterprise and corporate clients while remaining approachable for startups and smaller clients.

The new website design improved user experience by reducing page load times by 50% and increasing user engagement by 40%. The intuitive layout and clear navigation made it easy for visitors to explore Bilue’s offerings, learn about their services, and understand their brand story. The website redesign played a crucial role in conveying Bilue’s big blue ocean persona and establishing their credibility in the mobile development industry.

SEO Optimization

To boost Bilue’s online visibility and drive organic traffic, we implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy. This included targeted keyword optimization, regular blog content, and backlink building. Our efforts focused on securing Bilue’s ranking on the first page for competitive keywords like "mobile app development."

Through continuous monitoring and adjustments, we achieved significant results, skyrocketing Bilue’s organic traffic from 300 visitors per month to over 4,500. This 40% boost in lead generation directly contributed to increased client acquisition and overall business growth.

Case Study Creation

To demonstrate Bilue’s track record and professionalism, we developed a series of compelling case studies. We reached out to past enterprise clients to gather insights and testimonials, building detailed reports that highlighted Bilue’s expertise, reliability, and performance.

These case studies played a vital role in securing new corporate and enterprise clients, showcasing Bilue’s ability to deliver exceptional results. The structured format and clear presentation of these case studies provided potential clients with the confidence they needed to choose Bilue as their mobile development partner.

Internal Communication Strategy

Effective internal communication is essential for any organization’s success. We developed a robust internal communications plan for Bilue, including regular updates, streamlined processes, and improved information sharing.

By implementing tools and practices that enhanced team collaboration and project management, we achieved a 25% improvement in team collaboration. This not only boosted productivity but also ensured that all team members were aligned with the company’s goals and objectives.

Collaboration with AWS and Apple

In a strategic move to enhance credibility and trust, Bilue collaborated with AWS and Apple. This partnership extended beyond technology integration, encompassing co-branding initiatives, webinars, workshops, and seminars.

  • Co-Branding: Leveraged AWS’s and Apple’s strong market presence to highlight Bilue’s robust infrastructure capabilities and innovative solutions.
  • Webinars and Workshops: Hosted joint webinars and workshops to educate clients and stakeholders about the latest in mobile development, cloud services, and digital transformation.
  • Seminars: Conducted seminars featuring industry experts from AWS and Apple, providing deep insights into cutting-edge technologies and their applications.

These initiatives enhanced Bilue’s market position as a trusted leader in mobile development, resulting in increased client engagement and a stronger industry reputation.


The collaboration between Bilue and JennerBrandon was multifaceted, involving a brand refresh, website redesign, SEO optimization, and internal communications strategy. The outcomes were significant:

  • Brand Refresh: Created a cohesive and compelling brand identity that resonated with Bilue’s diverse client base.
  • Website Redesign: Migrated to a modern Webflow platform, reducing page load times by 50% and increasing user engagement by 40%.
  • SEO Optimization: Increased organic traffic from 300 visitors per month to over 4,500, leading to a 40% boost in lead generation.
  • Case Studies: Developed and utilized case studies that contributed to a 20% increase in corporate and enterprise client acquisition.
  • Internal Communications: Achieved a 25% improvement in team collaboration through enhanced internal communication strategies.


Our partnership with Bilue led to a comprehensive transformation of their brand identity, digital presence, and internal operations. By aligning their branding, website, SEO, and communication strategies, we positioned Bilue as a leader in the mobile development industry. The trust and collaboration between Bilue and JennerBrandon were key to achieving these outstanding results.


Read Our Case Study With Bilue

Bilue is a leading mobile development company known for its innovative solutions and expert team. Discover how JennerBrandon’s rebrand strategy transformed Bilue’s brand identity and digital presence.

Key Contributions:

  • Brand Refresh
  • Website Redesign
  • SEO Optimization
  • Case Study Creation
  • Internal Communication Strategy